Moshi Moshi

Friday, July 31, 2009

::Sweet Dream::

Enjoy this song...sgt comeyyyy hokeyh~!! (pinjam hokeyh anim yg agak2 gedik same cam tuan die gak) hehe...

Sweet Dream - Jang Nara

It's gonna be another day with the sunshine
the sunshine shines through the window
the eyes is getting woke slowly
i see you greet me with your smile

Kissing on the cheeks
accompany me with your love
drinking morning coffee with messy hair
who can tell me that this is not a dream?

It's gonna be another day with the sunshine
the sunshine shines through the window
the eyes is getting woke slowly
i see you greet me with your smile

When we can get together i feel paradise
this a paradise of happiness
music that full of love
and now i'm protected by you

Ordinary name...
my name is never gonna get attraction
because of your way of calling
i start to love my name

It's gonna be another day with the sunshine
it is you that turn me into star
so please be always beside me
i will say 'I LOVE YOU' to you

When we can get together i feel paradise
just like Cinderella and the prince
they lived happily ever after
is your heart that makes me believe in love

This is the happiness that everyone wants
so please don't wake me up
don't break it
let the loves come true... =) =) =)

Urmmm..i feel like i'm living my life such a 'sweet dream' as i walked through these days and i do really hope that there is nothing able to wake me up. (unfortunately, EIA and subra always be my nightmare..sweet dream no more!!) Huh....

Ok...i'm gonna's too late already
Good night everybody...
Have a sweet dream~!! (~_~)


Farhanim bt Alias said...

subra puwn suda jd nightmare ak every night sejak sminggu neyh cik safwa 0iii~!!ci0t bt0l...bng0n pg ingat subra weyh!!!sian ak...mlm2 mimpi subra..huhu~nk kene bawak berubat ak neyh h0wkeyh!!!~k0 m0w j0ing berubat kah??~c0me2.....ngeee~

s.a.f.w.a said...

hikhikk..ley gak join cm nk bomohkan subra lak supaye die kurg rajin utk melecture n yg plg pntg supaye die ilang hengatan pasal EIA...huh...isnin ni da la clas die smpai ptg...adoiii...nitemare2!!

Farhanim bt Alias said...

bule2....aku g cari b0m0h skang!!wahaha~n0 m0re tyme neyh..huhu~

isk~mls ak m0w ingat senin neyh..ingat m0w mulakan minggu ngan senyuman....lupe pul0p yg class EIA senin neyh..ter0s kuncup senyumanku..huhu~sian senyuman manisku ini...ngee~

wep!!suda selesai ke EIA??

s.a.f.w.a said...

mesti la BELUM....tande2 kecil kiamat taw law aku siapkn EIA...ehee